How to Win Listings: Mastering Trust and Communication


In the realm of estate agent training, fostering trust and effective communication is paramount. One technique involves strategically introducing minor errors during meetings or valuations to subtly encourage clients to engage. For instance, feigning difficulty in finding a pen prompts the client to assist, breaking down barriers and fostering a relaxed environment.

Start the conversation:

"Can I ask a question? What is it that attracted you to my company?"

(This aligns with the concept of "Pre-Suasion" from Robert Cialdini's book. By asking the prospect what attracted them to your company, you're priming their mind to focus on the positive aspects of your agency even before the main conversation begins. This can create a favorable mindset and increase receptivity to your message during the subsequent persuasion efforts. Additionally, it demonstrates genuine interest in the prospect's motivations and sets a collaborative tone for the conversation. Overall, it's a strategic approach to lay the groundwork for effective persuasion.)

Add in now from your resource modules:

The Elephant in the Room - This creates trust.

Questions must be made in a friendly conversational “down the pub” style; it is not an interrogation.

"Look, John, I want to be honest with you from the start. I understand that I may not be the right fit for everyone. If at any point during our meeting, you feel that I'm not the right choice for you, can you tell me 'no' today?"

"Would you mind if I ask you a series of questions to better understand your needs and see if I'm the right fit for you? And if based on your answers, I don't think I can effectively help you, would you be upset if I said 'no'?"

"And here's the thing, if neither of us decides to say 'no' to each other, then let's take a few minutes to discuss the next steps and how we can move forward. Are you comfortable with that?"

Now use Strategic Valuation Questions from your resources.

By framing the conversation this way, you set the stage for open communication and demonstrate your commitment to finding the best solution for the client. This approach also distinguishes you from other agents and helps solidify trust and rapport with the client.

In your training, it's essential to address the concept of the Elephant in the Room, which involves naming and addressing potential concerns or issues directly. This approach builds trust and allows for more productive conversations. Additionally, incorporating Socratic questioning techniques helps uncover the client's underlying needs and motivations, builds trust and better outcomes.

Winding Up:

"Alright, as we're winding up, here's the deal: I'm aware of the time, let's wrap this up, shall we? Can I throw a question your way?"

"Considering everything we've discussed and how I've answered your questions, do you think I'm the right person to help you sell your property?"

If they say no, well, that's a problem you need to figure out why it went wrong later. But if it's a yes, fantastic! Can I ask why you think so? I'm all ears.

"Now, since neither of us has said 'no' to each other, let's talk about our next steps, shall we?"

"Here's the thing: I've got only one next step in my world. Want to hear what it is?"

Prospect: “Of course!”

"It's to sign a contract to sell your property at ... (insert price).

Before mentioning price, say to the prospect: As you know I won’t be able to charge (a large depending on what your charging) percent fee I charge X percent (which when compared to the higher sounds fair). This aligns with the concept of "Pre-Suasion" from Robert Cialdini's book. By addressing the issue of cost upfront and framing it in a comparative context, you're effectively priming the prospect's perception of your fee structure."


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